The Hafren Hornpipe and a Half Dance & Music by John Kirkpatrick This is at the speed of a slow lolloppy hornpipe, but has a catch in the rhythm. There are six bars to each phrase of music, and every third bar is longer by half: | 1 2 3 hop | 1 2 3 hop | 1 hop 2 hop 3 hop | The stepping throughout is thus: || 4/4 L R L hop | R L R hop | 6/4 L hop R hop L hop | 4/4 R L R hop | L R L hop | 6/4 R hop L hop R hop || Sicilian Circle – couple facing couple in a large circle round the room, men with their partners on their right, women with their partners on their left. The couples facing anti-clockwise (with the men on the inside) are ones. The couples facing clockwise ( with the men on the outside) are twos. A 1: Bars 1- 2: Join hands and circle left with the other couple. Bar 3: Let go and turn out (to your left) separately, all the way round, on the spot. Bars 4-5: Join hands and circle back to the right. Bar 6: Let go and turn out (to your right) separately, all the way round, on the spot. A 2: Bars 1-2: Right hand star Bar 3: Let go and turn half way round Bar 4-5: Left hand star Bar 6: Let go and turn half way round B 1: Bar 1: Women cross into each other’s place diagonally, passing by the right shoulder Bar 2: Men do the same. Bar 3: Join hands and circle left for the just the three steps. Bar 4: Women cross back, passing left shoulders. Bar 4: Men do the same. Bar 6: Join hands and circle back to the right. B 2: Bar 1: All hold partner’s nearest hand, and face the opposite couple. One Two Three hop sideways to the left Bar 2: One Two Three hop sideways to the right Bar 3: Twos raise their arms to make an arch, ones go under it. Bars 4–6: All swing partner, ending by facing the next couple round the circle.